Festival Internacional JAZZMADRID
Logo Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Legal terms


MADRID DESTINO CULTURA TURISMO Y BUSINESS (hereinafter, MADRID DESTINO), with CIF number A-84073105 and registered office in Madrid, Calle Conde Duque, 9-11, 2ª planta, 28015 Madrid, a municipal company of the Madrid City Council, whose corporate purpose, among others, includes:

“The management of cultural, training and artistic programs and activities, the organization, support and dissemination of the same, the promotion of public and private initiatives in this area, including collaboration with public and private entities of a national and international nature, advice , the carrying out of studies, the training of artists and technicians related to said activities and the provision of all the services and infrastructures that are integral or complementary to these programs and activities. ”

This Legal Notice informs about the conditions of use the website https://festivaldejazzmadrid.com/en/ for the purpose of disseminating and advertising the cultural activities.

This Legal Notice is applicable to both non-registered users, as well as registered users in order to receive informative newsletters with the programming, and additionally, in the case of registered users to receive information on the specific programming in depending on the topics of interest expressed, as well as on the special activities aimed at registrants (eg invitations to premieres, exclusive passes …)

Entering, browsing and using this website indicates unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions, with the same validity and effectiveness as a contract. Contact  prensa@madrid-destino.com for information about its content and interpretation.


Anyone who accesses and/or makes use of the website becomes a user thereof, and thereafter accepts, without reservations, these General Terms of Use, notwithstanding any Specific Conditions that MADRID DESTINO may establish for registered users, or for the participation and collaboration in cultural projects and activities held at the Centre.

Where the user is a minor, he/she must obtain permission from his/her parents, guardians or legal representatives beforehand. The latter shall be held responsible for all intents and purposes for any action taken on behalf of the minors under their charge.


The user undertakes to use the website in accordance with the applicable law, good faith, public order and generally accepted habits and customs. Likewise, the user undertakes not to use mataderomadrid.org for illegal purposes or to the detriment of the rights and/or interests of MADRID DESTINO, the Centre, Madrid City Council and/or third parties, and not to cause damages or prevent the normal operation of the website, such as the incorporation of malicious code, regardless of the existence of filters that disable this.

For all projects and publications, users undertake to abide by the law applicable in their places of residence, that applicable to the location of the website and any others applicable to the published content, and will be entirely liable for the contents published, holding the website harmless of any damages or liabilities incurred that may be caused to the user him/herself or to third parties.

The user undertakes not to engage in direct or concealed advertising on behalf of any third party, and published content must comply with the theme and purpose of the website.
Users must make digital backups of their works and publications, since MADRID DESTINO accepts no liability for users’ failure to do so.

Users who access this website are authorised to view all the information and contents of the same, and to “download” or make copies of the same onto their computers, and to download and copy accessible content (images, audio-visual archives, brochures, reports and publications..) to their devices, in accordance with intellectual property law and the  licence for use granted.

Use made by users of the website shall be the sole and exclusive responsibility of the latter, and he/she shall hold MADRID DESTINO and/or the Madrid City Council harmless for any damages and/or loss that a breach of these Terms of Use on the user’s part may cause to the user him/herself or to third parties.

Likewise, MADRID DESTINO reserves the right to deny access to and/or use of the website or any of its content and/or services to users who breach these General Terms of Use. MADRID DESTINO shall follow up non-compliance with these Terms of Use and any improper use of the website, exercising any civil and penal action applicable by law.


MADRID DESTINO provides the services referred to in these Terms of Use free of charge. MADRID DESTINO shall be liable solely for the information contained on the Website  which is generated by the centre and accepts no liability for users’ opinions published on forums or other interactive tools it may provide.

MADRID DESTINO is not obliged to accept users’ requests to register, and reserves the right to impose criteria regarding time, content or of any other nature in connection with registration.
MADRID DESTINO accepts no liability for damages and/or loss of any kind caused to the user or a third party due to:

  • lack of availability, maintenance or proper operation of the website, its services or content;
  • lack of usefulness, authenticity, suitability or validity of the website, its services or content to meet the user’s needs or expectations;
  • the presence of viruses or any other elements in the contents that might lead to damage in computer systems, electronic documents or the files of users of this website or third-party websites.
  • access by a third party, in violation of the security measures established by MADRID DESTINO, to the website, its content or services in order to send a virus or to process the data stored by MADRID DESTINO for unauthorised purposes;
  • or, in general, any use of the website, its services and/or content made by the user or a third party in breach of the Conditions of access to and use thereof.


Links have been enabled by MADRID DESTINO for the convenience of the website users only. Said content and/or services may be of interest, but are not controlled or managed by MADRID DESTINO. Including this content and/or services does not imply the association, merger or participation of MADRID DESTINO in any of the connected entities.
MADRID DESTINO has no control over and does not approve of or appropriate the content, services, products or any type of information issued by third parties -legal entities or individuals- that appears on the website.

Any contractual or extra-contractual relations, if applicable, formed through these links will not include the participation of MADRID DESTINO, and the latter assumes no direct or indirect liability or responsibility whatsoever with respect to the legitimacy, veracity, use, quality or reliability of the content and/or services not directly managed or controlled by MADRID DESTINO, even when these can be accessed via the website.

MADRID DESTINO shall only be liable for content supplied by third parties in the links published at the website to the extent that it has real knowledge of its illegality and has not disabled the link with due diligence. If the user considers that a link published in the website has inappropriate or illegal content, they must inform us by sending an email to info@mataderomadrid.org. However, this communication does not oblige the site to remove the link.


MADRID DESTINO reserves the right to modify, unilaterally and without notice, the provision, configuration, design and content of the Website, in whole or in part, as well as the terms and conditions of use of the same and access to the services, undertaking to give maximum notice to registered users and, in case of changes to the economic conditions for the provision of services offered at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of entry into force of the amendment.

Similarly, MADRID DESTINO reserves the right to discontinue, temporarily suspend or permanently cancel the website or any of its content and/or services, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, given the promotional and free nature of the website for the user.

If the registered user does not agree with the new terms and conditions, he/she may cease communications with MADRID DESTINO.

In the event that MADRID DESTINO ceases to provide this service, it shall endeavour to publish a prior notice of termination of the service so that users can save a copy of their publications, notwithstanding users’ own responsibility to make their own backup copies.


The content that MADRID DESTINO makes available to the user is protected under the necessary intellectual and industrial property rights and it has been legally granted by the owners for the relevant purposes.

Intellectual property content, unless otherwise stated, is licensed under Creative Commons By-SA. The licence can be viewed in the following link: . However, authors are entitled to license their content under any other licence, preferably free, to encourage wider dissemination, and must mention this in a way that is noticeable in the publication or work.
Infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights by users will be subject to the legal consequences of making uses other than those permitted, which constitutes a violation of those rights.

MADRID DESTINO, itself or as an assignee, owns all of the intellectual and industrial property rights over this website, as well as over the content thereof (including images, sound effects, audio, videos, software and text; brands and logos, colour combinations, structure and design, choice of materials used, necessary programs required for operation, access and use thereof, etc.). Any use or reproduction thereof is expressly prohibited beyond that expressly envisaged in these Terms of Use.
The user undertakes to respect all intellectual and industrial property rights of said website. He/she may view the elements on the website and even print them, copy them and save them to his/her computer hard drive or to any other physical media provided that they are used solely and exclusively for his/her personal and private purposes. Thus, any transformation, distribution, public disclosure, making available or any other form or exploitation, as well as modification, alteration or decompilation thereof, is strictly prohibited. The user must abstain from deleting, altering, bypassing or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the website.


Activities taking place in the centre may be recorded in video and audio format for dissemination on the website.

As announced at the start of workshops and activities at the Centre, and on signs displayed at the Centre, by taking part in the activities, attendees agree to the filming, recording, reproduction, synchronisation, transformation for adaptation to media or means of dissemination, public distribution and communication of their image (including statements made), and video and audio recordings may be broadcast to the public by any means and, specifically, via the Internet, always excluding advertising or commercial use by MADRID DESTINO. All of this with provisos and limitation on uses and applications that infringe the right to honour and to one’s own image in the terms set forth in Organic Act 1/1982 of 5 May on the civil protection of the right to honour, to personal and family privacy and to one’s own image.

If part of the video and audio is to be communicated to the public, the Centre will make every effort not to distort the recorded content. The Centre gives public access to the material saved free of charge.

Works are published under a licence for use that entitles any user to reproduce them free of charge and disseminate them by any means. MADRID DESTINO will publish a link to the licence with the work, so that users are aware of the terms. The assignment shall be deemed to have been granted for the maximum time permitted by law and shall be worldwide.


These legal notices are governed by Spanish law. All disputes regarding their interpretation, application and compliance shall be heard by the courts of Madrid (Spain), the parties waiving all other legal systems to which they may have recourse.