Festival Internacional JAZZMADRID
Logo Ayuntamiento de Madrid


Oficial Concerts In collaboration with Villanos del Jazz

U 26 Nov
Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa
Sala Guirau · 20.00 h · How to get there
  • Reduced mobility
  • Magnetic loop

If we take a closer look at the excellent state of musical health that jazz has been enjoying in our country for quite a few years now, it is still somewhat paradoxical to see how well some things are being done here and how little they are known. Fortunately, this diagnosis does not apply to the meteoric career of trumpeter and vocalist Andrea Motis.

Andrea was playing the trumpet by the time she was seven, but not only that, she started singing in the Orfeó l’Eco de Catalunya choir singing at the age of three. Her earliest musical memories include Charles Mingus and a wide range of Afro-Cuban jazz performers. Not long afterwards, at the age of ten, she began to explore almost all forms of American jazz. It was during this search that she met Joan Chamorro.

Together, teacher and student, they recorded half a dozen albums and toured Europe and South America, sharing the stage with a wide range of renowned jazz musicians, including Scott Hamilton, Ken Peplowski, Jesse Davis and Terrell Stafford. While Andrea continued her studies at the Sant Andreu Municipal School of Music, this duo and their accompanying group mastered live performance with surprising confidence. And, as all jazz critics acknowledge, the group proved highly attractive for a wide range of audiences.

In 2017, with the release of the album Emotional dance, on the Impulse! label, Andrea Motis realised that the time had come to embark on a solo artistic journey. It wasn’t exactly a break-up, but rather a step forward that was subsequently endorsed by her happy decision to explore her talent as a composer.  Motis sought and found herself, releasing in later years new titles such as Do outro lado do azul and Colors & shadows, albums that showed her now irrepressible desire to have her own voice in the international jazz community.

This new and refreshing attitude is certainly the most striking thing about the new Andrea Motis, because every time she appears on stage she is perceived as brave and determined, unprejudiced, ambitious and adventurous. These are all details that are reflected in last year’s album Loopholes. In each of the songs on this album, the artist has allowed herself to be drawn to other sounds and music far removed from jazz, but it is also true that these same cadences have allowed new audiences to discover her as more of a jazz musician than ever before.  In this concert at JAZZMADRID, along with a full line-up of musicians, Andrea Motis will première the new compositions from her latest album.